Anderson Street Utility Upgrades

Service & Expertise:




Vancouver, BC


City of Vancouver

Project Description:

The City of Vancouver retained Water Street to provide the conceptual and detailed design with construction services for a water main and sanitary forcemain replacement on Anderson Street and West 2nd Avenue. The project included alignment reviews, seismic and geotechnical design, pipe material selection, site survey, and construction services.

The project faced several significant challenges which included:

  • Construction in busy roadways with high pedestrian traffic
  • Coordination of multiple local water service shutdowns for service connection and water main tie-ins
  • Historic location with an abundance of buried utilities both abandoned and operational
  • Highly variable soil conditions
  • Construction of a temporary overland sanitary forcemain bypass

The design phase of the project began in March 2020, and required extensive liaison with the City of Vancouver and utilities BC Hydro, Fortis BC, Telus and Shaw. The project was opened to tender in October 2020.

Construction of the water main and sanitary forcemain began in February 2021 and was completed on schedule and under budget in April 2021.

Consulting Team:

Project Lead, Civil, and Constructability:

Water Street


Tetra Tech

Water Main Installation on Anderson Street

Hydro-Vac Excavation on W 2nd Avenue